Morrow with his 1938 Epiphone Emperor

Apprenticeship as a restoration bookbinder

Rocketship Christmas present from mother in Denver, CO

While working on Come Sunday in Maine, taking heroic stance before a winter-shuttered ice cream stand

With mentor John Hawkes in Providence, Rhode Island

Designing cover of William S. Burroughs, Doctor Benway, a lost chapter from Naked Lunch, published by Morrow

First of many meetings Kenneth Rexroth, Santa Barbara, California

Last year of college after dropping out and moving to Paris for a year

Portrait of Morrow by Diana Michener

Family visit to New Mexico with sister and mother

Standing alone with flowers in front of Liceo Scientifico, Cuneo, Italy

Childhood home in Littleton, CO. Mother plants annuals.

In Providence, Rhode Island with John Hawkes, publisher James Laughlin, Lady Maria St Just, and Ann Laughlin

Writing Conjunctions Correspondence in its early days on Royal typewriter

Rehearsing in Boulder, CO with The Orchestra of Clouds

Morrow in London

Next to the obelisk at ground zero where the first atom bomb was detonated near Almagordo, New Mexico. Researching 'Trinity Fields' and 'Ariel's Crossing'

On train from Venice to Milan

Hiking near Morrow's home in upstate New York

Shopping for sunglasses in New Haven, Connecticut while doing graduate work at Yale

Class photo while a high school senior on foreign exchange at Liceo Scientifico, 1968 in Cuneo, Italy

In Lichtenstein, retrieving William S. Burroughs archives with James Grauerholz for repatriation to America, late 1980s

Visiting with the poet Gustaf Sobin in Provence, mid 1980s

In the hills above Montecito, California, with Lily, during early days as a rare book dealer